Boston: House Concert with Chartwell Dutiro and Members of Timbila — Banning Eyre
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Boston: House Concert with Chartwell Dutiro and Members of Timbila

I'm pleased to let you know that I'll be returning to Boston with the extraordinary Zimbabwean mbira player, Chartwell Dutiro, and members of the band Timbila for an intimate house concert hosted by Solomon Murungu in Belmont, MA on Sept. 25 (details below). We've been doing great work this past month and have had some superb concerts in New York. Hope to see many of you at this one. And I will have copies of my Zimbabwe book, Lion Songs, in which Chartwell is an important character.  The story continues....RSVP to for location of event.

$20 suggested contribution
Dinner 6:00pm - 7:15p (sadza/nyama, vegetarian etc, wine/beer)
Music 7:30-9:30